February 2021

This one is very overdue, I know. Yen hasn’t been taking as many photos, so he doesn’t download and process them as often. Better late than never?

It’s been a long winter after an even longer year. But we’ve been staying healthy by eating well – and this includes our seacows. Linus constructed a smoothie for Bartleby.

Meanwhile her royal highness presided over the meal.

Speaking of fancy drinks, the kids are obsessed lately with fresh coconut. Which means I’ve been getting creative with all of the leftover coconut meat in the house. Flan, anyone?

Writing this now a few months later, I’m sad to report that these headphones have already broken. But they were adorable while they lasted.

Mina the hacker has figured out how to use Yen’s computer even though she can’t read. She can open YouTube Music, choose her playlist, select the specific song she wants, and cast it to the room where she intends to dance.

Headlamps aren’t strictly necessary in the house, but I suppose it pays to be prepared.

More roller blading!

Selfie time!

Hm. Looks like she’s interested in trading up the equipment.

We didn’t get our skating in this year. There were so many outbreaks that were traced back to skating rinks. But later in the winter Yen found a mid-week open skate that was virtually deserted, so he and Mina were able to go.

Not sure what she’s explaining here, but if your instructor dresses like a sassy zebra, you’ll surely pay attention.

Mixed-media manatee.

Manatee reading circle.

Mina’s latest hobby is Playstation. Which is an aerobic activity the way she does it.

Linus still won’t join us for family exercise, but his train set in the same room is getting a lot of use lately. I guess he doesn’t have to worry about impending swimsuit season.

We got a lot of snow in February! Yen decided to make an igloo. He never did figure out how to finish the top, but it was impressive.

Linus designed this paper train. All the little doors and windows folded out!

If you ever can’t find Mina, just look behind the couch. She loves the vent back there.


We did a lot more winter hiking this year than we’ve ever done before. At the end of February, we discovered a long cold snap had frozen the reservoir near our house